You don’t have to be Lonely
There have been many songs written about being lonely. We all experience periods of loneliness in our lives. As we age, however, it can become detrimental to our mental and physical wellbeing.
A study done by Brigham Young University shows that loneliness can negativity impact both physical health and can be as much a predictor of early death as smoking or heavy drinking. In fact, it can be even worse than being obese or physically inactive.
As we leave the workforce, we no longer have the day-to-day interactions with co-workers and friends. Loved ones may move or pass away. You may have age-related issues with hearing, mobility, or the lose the ability to safely drive. These can limit opportunities to socialize.
Although loneliness will occasionally visit, don’t let it take up residence at your house. Here are some suggestions to help combat loneliness. You could become a volunteer, find a new hobby, and embrace social media. The internet offers a variety of ways to reach out, like Facetime with friends and family. You could join groups online who share similar interests. Arrange transportation to visit friends or spend a day out and about. In nice weather, take a walk or even sit outside and get some fresh air. Just these small acts can help immensely.
Here in the Quad Cities, there are options such as CASI (Center for Active Seniors) and +60 Club who host activities and offer a chance to socialize.
Retirement living communities can be another option that seniors should at least consider as they look to their future. There are many opportunities to socialize in a retirement community. If you are not sure if retirement living is right for you, start by visiting or even volunteering in one to learn more. Ridgecrest Village is a continuing care retirement community open to those 62 years and older.